The new seasonal events are up..
La Festa Cavallino, any Ferrari 650pp or lessOpponents will mostly be 545-584pp using Sports: Soft tiresRome - 5 laps - 1rd place = 444k
Sarthe Circuit 2009 - 1 laps - 1th = 504k
Autumn Ring Reverse - 5 laps - 1nd = 411k
Indy Road Course - 5 laps - 1rth = 470k
Toscana - 5 laps - 1thst = 474k
1st place = Credits + Racing helmet / suit
2nd place = Credits + paint
3rd place = Credits + horn
Prizes given every time you win but only relative to the position you finish.
There hasn't been an OCD update yet last I checked, there are also no new Time / Drift Trials
BUT (and it's a big but, I like big "buts"..
) they have removed the Nurburgring Time Trial from the last round so there may be a new one coming.