Online Events > Stepp Into Tuesdays

TuTu December 17 2019 - Soul Bossa Nova


Car: 2005 Mini Cooper S
Setup: Stock. Wheels/Oil Change/Paint encouraged.

Tuning: Prohibited
Tires: Comfort Soft
Lounge: GT Sport Public Lounge
First Few: Short tracks. Including the ovals.

What's the Deal?
We're going to go all Mini Me and run tiny cars on tiny tracks.

This will be the last one for the year, as Christmas Eve and New Years Eve both fall on Tuesdays this year. I am planning on running them in early January at this point, however.

ok I hope to get out and race with you fellas, even tho I try to avoid this game 
Racing with pals is still the shit

Just realized I forgot about this last night. Got on briefly to check some decals I uploaded, then shutdown.

Sorry Stepper.

Also, on another note, and what I was doing, when I should've been at TuTu. I stumbled across some guys that do what they call Loading Wars on you tube. It's a bunch of friends in a garage competing against each other using RC big rigs, fork lifts, and all kinds of RC heavy equipment. It's been surprisingly entertaining. RC Sparks is the name of the group.


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