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SONY's VR goggle


Rumours are flying about SONY making their own VR goggles with head-tracking, available in about 1+ year's time.

It is supposed to look like the OR, but be higher def. Developers are working with prototype models now and this was part of SONY's indie push with them. MS is not going this route, so VR is being considered a differentiator among the platforms.


--- Quote from: MasterGT on September 05, 2013, 02:59:57 PM ---Rumours are flying about SONY making their own VR goggles with head-tracking, available in about 1+ year's time.

It is supposed to look like the OR, but be higher def. Developers are working with prototype models now and this was part of SONY's indie push with them. MS is not going this route, so VR is being considered a differentiator among the platforms.

--- End quote ---

I heard about that.  I didn't hear that it was supposed to have a higher resolution than the rift, especially since the rift resolution hasn't been locked down.  Hopefully Sony doesn't price themselves out of the market like with their last headset.

Oculus sees the future being phone compatibility.  If the Sony headset is compatible with the vita and ps4, it could be huge for Sony.  I wonder if Microsoft knew about Sony's VR goggles and that's why they've been displaying their illumiroom even though it isn't close to being ready.

Oculus and Sony comparison.


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