I'm starting to mess with lower FFB seettings again, because I'm finding that I have to turn down more cars' FFB than I have to turn up. That means, to save some work fine tuning each car, I should start lower and work up, rather than start higher and work down.
I knmow, Brindle says I shouldn't have to change each car's FFB. I get that, but as I said I'm still finding lots of cars have far too much, and regular controlled high-g turns (even after I've figured out the car and track) seem to have clipping.
It may not be an issue on all wheels.
But here's what I'm doing now.
If you've done your clipping tool exercise with a "racey" car, and not a smooth road car, you'll have used too lower of a base FFB setting in most cases. If you used a smooth, comfy road car, you'll have set it too high. When you switch between these car types, you'll get too much variation in Feedback. You'll want to turn up your FFB in that softer car.
Personally, I used a softer car, like a 458, to do my FFB test (not my fault, the documentation just said "use your favorite car"), so I probably set my FFB too high, and hence why I would need to turn so many cars down.
But, as I figured out with Brindle's help, if you take away all of the clipping at the top end, you will lose sensation of the minor vibrations at the lower end of the FFB spectrum.
Here's how you get all cars balanced much more closely, without having to choose between either the min or the max.
Turn DOWN your base FFB setting in AC Options. Maybe a couple points from what you've thought is correct. (if you used a soft car to do FFB clilp tests etc.)
Turn UP your Min Force settings in AC's Options. I had mine at 8%, and I've turned up to 10%.
Adjust cars by a few points if necessary.
You'll find more cars are okay out of the box, this way, and have to adjust fewer of them.
By increasing the min force, you are getting both the information transmitted to your arms when you are pulling hard to one side on a fast corner, but also get the little vibrations and infos from the wheel in less extreme situations. The car will feel alive and like it is in your hands, the whole way around, rather than feeling good here, but not so good there.
I hope that helps. I'm not in the best "explaining things" mood, though