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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2011, 11:09:40 AM »

Second, if you're following someone and you know a braking zone is coming up how about giving the guy in front of you a brake, literally. Not everyone enters the brake zone in the same way and it is the responsibility of the trailing driver to avoid contact even if the leading driver brakes early or for longer. I'm sure I’m not the only one who would appreciate a little patience at certain times on the track.

I have not read all of the post yet so I may have more to say later but I want to add to this now. This very practice got me into trouble during the Monaco GT 500 race. I was letting off the gas to provide additional braking room for Brindle who was behind Wizard when the car behind me got into the back of me to bring out a caution. The further back in the field you are early in the race should equate to getting off the gas earlier and allowing the people infront of you to give the next guy forward that ability to give some room.
Maybe just stagger with the person in front of you. At least then you can drive off course by yourself and not affect the driver in front or back if things get out of hand.

Some tracks that is not a viable option, never the less I have practiced this on many occations as well. There have been times where I have been bitched at for it, but this is one practice I am not going to discontinue. Some people misconstrue it as "overly agressive" or "stepping out of line as though to make a pass and not passing". One issue with tracks like Monaco, Madrid and other City courses is there is mimimal run off if any at all. there are also places like turn one at Indy RC, turn one at Daytona RC, the entire first secter of the furburgerring north course where the primary line would require one to move to the inside in order to stager which usually causes quite the clusterfuck, trust me I have caused a massive problems at two out of three of those tracks trying to stager with the car infront of me.

Another difficulty in this is the blind spots, most notably early in the race I have a consern about stepping out of line. I'm afraid there some one is in my blind spot and moving over would pinch them off the raceway, nine times out of ten there is some one there.

This brings up another bitch I have...[Rant aborted falling off subject]

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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2011, 11:27:11 AM »

Another difficulty in this is the blind spots, most notably early in the race I have a consern about stepping out of line. I'm afraid there some one is in my blind spot and moving over would pinch them off the raceway, nine times out of ten there is some one there.

What blind spots?  Look to the side before you move over.  Then you know if someone is there or not.  You should do you best to know where everyone is around you.

Whether you use the step out option or give space or whatever, it is the following cars responsibility NOT to hit the car in front.  On a previous race I commented about hitting Turbo more than once.  He replied something about him not knowing the braking points.  Doesn't matter, the contact was still my fault.

This brings up another comment.  I've noticed an increase in people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in corners.  If you are not able to get almost complete overlap before the braking zone, ANY contact in the corner is your fault.

To be clear, my above comments have little to do with my frustration last night which was mostly due to my driving.


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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2011, 11:40:03 AM »

The second race, I was attacked by a rabid Wombat! Coming out of turn 3 Feldynn ran wide and got in the dirt and while trying to bring it back on track blew me clean off. Wombats have a vicious bite! To be fair, I don't think anyone could have prevented that car from coming back on the track. It was a fight the rest of the race and finished midpack.

Ahh sorry about that Sniper :(, I knew I'd hit someone and put them off but in amongst all the smoke, dust, spinning around and general failure to control on my part I didn't see who it was.  My apologies.

First, if you go off track, make sure you are clear before you just come be bopping back on. Once you go off track, you forfeit positions until the track is clear. Too many times I have seen or been victim of a guy going off track and then knocking someone else off while they just absentmindedly reenter the track.

This is something I think I'm probably guilty of more than most right now, in the fight to control the car I sometimes forget to check the map or look around enough.  A large part of that is likely because I'm still a noob to a degree, at least compared to you guys who have been racing online since Prologue and probably in other games too, so I just don't have the experience and seat time racing with other people and some general race etiquette isn't second nature to me yet.

Believe it or not race etiquette is something that can be learned through reading, however as you have already stated putting it into practice takes experience. Now something that did not cross my mind until reasently is that all forms of racing etiquette can be practiced off line agenst the AI who will not get in your face after the race. That is where I practice all my dirty racing as well as proper etiquette. I choose one or two cars and race it clean...everyone else must die. This gives me ample time both on track and in the tulies where I can work on my passing, falling in line as well as reentry.

One of the things I find works very well for reentry, if you get the car collected without loosing too much momentum, what you want to do is run parrallel to the track surface and merge into the track at or as close to speed as possible just like you would on the freeway IRL. Do this every time weather you are surounded or by your self. When you completely dump the car you have already come to a stand still so you can stop check everything going on and enter when you see it's safe.

This brings up another point of etiquette that many miss. When people do go off track, especially minor off track excursons the drivers coming up on to the car thet went off track are supposed to give room for the driver who went off to re enter. I can't tell howmany times I have been trying to re enter the track and other drivers are taking my mirrors off when they have not only twenty feet of roadway but ample time to move over there. When you see someone is off track, move over and give them some room to get back on. You run less chance of getting collected and turning a minor inncodent into a major wreck and the other guy will apprieciate the chance to get back into the race.

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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2011, 11:43:47 AM »

Another difficulty in this is the blind spots, most notably early in the race I have a consern about stepping out of line. I'm afraid there some one is in my blind spot and moving over would pinch them off the raceway, nine times out of ten there is some one there.

What blind spots?  Look to the side before you move over.  Then you know if someone is there or not.  You should do you best to know where everyone is around you.

Whether you use the step out option or give space or whatever, it is the following cars responsibility NOT to hit the car in front.  On a previous race I commented about hitting Turbo more than once.  He replied something about him not knowing the braking points.  Doesn't matter, the contact was still my fault.

This brings up another comment.  I've noticed an increase in people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in corners.  If you are not able to get almost complete overlap before the braking zone, ANY contact in the corner is your fault.

To be clear, my above comments have little to do with my frustration last night which was mostly due to my driving.

I under stand your point but keep in mind, I am working with a DS3 controller, my button configuration requires both hands, removing my hand to use the look side to side causes major problems at current. it's almost garenteed for me to mis the turn in or the braking point when trying to look to the side.

I survived the Great PSN outage of 2011


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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2011, 11:53:28 AM »

Another difficulty in this is the blind spots, most notably early in the race I have a consern about stepping out of line. I'm afraid there some one is in my blind spot and moving over would pinch them off the raceway, nine times out of ten there is some one there.

What blind spots?  Look to the side before you move over.  Then you know if someone is there or not.  You should do you best to know where everyone is around you.

Whether you use the step out option or give space or whatever, it is the following cars responsibility NOT to hit the car in front.  On a previous race I commented about hitting Turbo more than once.  He replied something about him not knowing the braking points.  Doesn't matter, the contact was still my fault.

This brings up another comment.  I've noticed an increase in people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in corners.  If you are not able to get almost complete overlap before the braking zone, ANY contact in the corner is your fault.

To be clear, my above comments have little to do with my frustration last night which was mostly due to my driving.

I can't speak for Ronin, but I drive cockpit view and there are definitely blind spots. Even when I use look left and right and the mirrors. Heck the A-pillar on several of the cars has caused me many an issue when trying to hit apexes. I can also argue that looking left and right is not always a valid solution.  I do it when ever possible, but barreling into the brake zone of a tight turn next to another car leaves very little time to look around not to mention the fact that the way the camera pans can be a very disorienting experience for some.  I've had situations in the past were looking over made the situation worse than if I had continued to look forward and guesstimated the space between me and the competitor.

I've also heard the argument that using the bumper camera is better. I personally disagree. For me, I loose all reference to the approximate dimensions of my car, increasing my chance of ramming or colliding with some one.

All in all the simple fact is we all drive differently and we all share the same track and have to adapt the best that we can to each others behavior. Not to mention keep in mind that the same issues we have with some of these tracks are the same issues that the professionals have with their real world counterparts. Perhaps we all need to step back and remember that its just a race. We win, we lose, accidents are going to happen and none of it matters so we should all just have fun and each do our best to minimize accidents.

Oh well... I rambling... just ignore me.  


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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2011, 11:55:02 AM »

Another difficulty in this is the blind spots, most notably early in the race I have a consern about stepping out of line. I'm afraid there some one is in my blind spot and moving over would pinch them off the raceway, nine times out of ten there is some one there.

What blind spots?  Look to the side before you move over.  Then you know if someone is there or not.  You should do you best to know where everyone is around you.

Whether you use the step out option or give space or whatever, it is the following cars responsibility NOT to hit the car in front.  On a previous race I commented about hitting Turbo more than once.  He replied something about him not knowing the braking points.  Doesn't matter, the contact was still my fault.

This brings up another comment.  I've noticed an increase in people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in corners.  If you are not able to get almost complete overlap before the braking zone, ANY contact in the corner is your fault.

To be clear, my above comments have little to do with my frustration last night which was mostly due to my driving.

I under stand your point but keep in mind, I am working with a DS3 controller, my button configuration requires both hands, removing my hand to use the look side to side causes major problems at current. it's almost garenteed for me to mis the turn in or the braking point when trying to look to the side.

Don't blame the controller, I'm using the same thing, AND manual trans, and still I'm able to look around.  :P

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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2011, 11:56:09 AM »

Another difficulty in this is the blind spots, most notably early in the race I have a consern about stepping out of line. I'm afraid there some one is in my blind spot and moving over would pinch them off the raceway, nine times out of ten there is some one there.

What blind spots?  Look to the side before you move over.  Then you know if someone is there or not.  You should do you best to know where everyone is around you.

Whether you use the step out option or give space or whatever, it is the following cars responsibility NOT to hit the car in front.  On a previous race I commented about hitting Turbo more than once.  He replied something about him not knowing the braking points.  Doesn't matter, the contact was still my fault.

This brings up another comment.  I've noticed an increase in people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in corners.  If you are not able to get almost complete overlap before the braking zone, ANY contact in the corner is your fault.

To be clear, my above comments have little to do with my frustration last night which was mostly due to my driving.

I under stand your point but keep in mind, I am working with a DS3 controller, my button configuration requires both hands, removing my hand to use the look side to side causes major problems at current. it's almost garenteed for me to mis the turn in or the braking point when trying to look to the side.

Don't blame the controller, I'm using the same thing, AND manual trans, and still I'm able to look around.  :P



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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2011, 12:02:36 PM »

Another difficulty in this is the blind spots, most notably early in the race I have a consern about stepping out of line. I'm afraid there some one is in my blind spot and moving over would pinch them off the raceway, nine times out of ten there is some one there.

What blind spots?  Look to the side before you move over.  Then you know if someone is there or not.  You should do you best to know where everyone is around you.

Whether you use the step out option or give space or whatever, it is the following cars responsibility NOT to hit the car in front.  On a previous race I commented about hitting Turbo more than once.  He replied something about him not knowing the braking points.  Doesn't matter, the contact was still my fault.

This brings up another comment.  I've noticed an increase in people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in corners.  If you are not able to get almost complete overlap before the braking zone, ANY contact in the corner is your fault.

To be clear, my above comments have little to do with my frustration last night which was mostly due to my driving.

I under stand your point but keep in mind, I am working with a DS3 controller, my button configuration requires both hands, removing my hand to use the look side to side causes major problems at current. it's almost garenteed for me to mis the turn in or the braking point when trying to look to the side.

Don't blame the controller, I'm using the same thing, AND manual trans, and still I'm able to look around.  :P


:stoopid: :stoopid:


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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2011, 12:06:22 PM »

There are too many ways to look at these issues.  GT11 had a great point.  It is the follower that must NOT hit the car in front, no matter when they brake.  However, it can get/be very annoying and difficult to anticipate at times and can cause many bumping issues.

 :-\  We all seem to agree enough with each other to hang around and race every single night.  We just aren't perfect.  :)


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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2011, 12:14:19 PM »

I think it just comes down to skills. Some have more than others and when you mix skills, racing in close proximity gets harder.
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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2011, 12:20:15 PM »

All in all the simple fact is we all drive differently and we all share the same track and have to adapt the best that we can to each others behavior. Not to mention keep in mind that the same issues we have with some of these tracks are the same issues that the professionals have with their real world counterparts. Perhaps we all need to step back and remember that its just a race. We win, we lose, accidents are going to happen and none of it matters so we should all just have fun and each do our best to minimize accidents.



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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2011, 12:20:42 PM »

Another difficulty in this is the blind spots, most notably early in the race I have a consern about stepping out of line. I'm afraid there some one is in my blind spot and moving over would pinch them off the raceway, nine times out of ten there is some one there.

What blind spots?  Look to the side before you move over.  Then you know if someone is there or not.  You should do you best to know where everyone is around you.

Whether you use the step out option or give space or whatever, it is the following cars responsibility NOT to hit the car in front.  On a previous race I commented about hitting Turbo more than once.  He replied something about him not knowing the braking points.  Doesn't matter, the contact was still my fault.

This brings up another comment.  I've noticed an increase in people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in corners.  If you are not able to get almost complete overlap before the braking zone, ANY contact in the corner is your fault.

To be clear, my above comments have little to do with my frustration last night which was mostly due to my driving.

I under stand your point but keep in mind, I am working with a DS3 controller, my button configuration requires both hands, removing my hand to use the look side to side causes major problems at current. it's almost garenteed for me to mis the turn in or the braking point when trying to look to the side.

Don't blame the controller, I'm using the same thing, AND manual trans, and still I'm able to look around.  :P


:stoopid: :stoopid:
:stoopid: & :stoopid: & :stoopid: Except I use an automatic
This brings up another point of etiquette that many miss. When people do go off track, especially minor off track excursons the drivers coming up on to the car thet went off track are supposed to give room for the driver who went off to re enter. I can't tell howmany times I have been trying to re enter the track and other drivers are taking my mirrors off when they have not only twenty feet of roadway but ample time to move over there. When you see someone is off track, move over and give them some room to get back on. You run less chance of getting collected and turning a minor inncodent into a major wreck and the other guy will apprieciate the chance to get back into the race.

I disagree. You don't reenter unless it's clear. Why should a driver who didn't go off have to give you room to reenter. Granted, if there is room, I try to make room, but I don't have to. You go off, you pay the price.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 12:25:03 PM by DesertSniper72 »


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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2011, 12:21:08 PM »

Speaking of controllers I too use the standard DS3, recently I was thinking of changing the buttons around but I can't seem to figure out how to organise them.

Currently I use L2 / R2 for shifting, thumb sticks for steering (left) and gas / brake (right).  I've got Look Back set as L1 and all the look commands set to the D-Pad (left = left, right = right, down = rear view).  I'd thought about setting L1 and R1 to Look Left / Right but that would mean relocating Look Back which is probably the one I use most often, maybe I should use that one less though compared to Left / Right?

I've thought about making one of the stick buttons Look Back, but I can see that being more annoying as there's a good chance of hitting it by accident.  Horn or wipers are significantly less awkward than the screen suddenly flashing to the rear view :D.

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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2011, 12:31:19 PM »

This brings up another point of etiquette that many miss. When people do go off track, especially minor off track excursons the drivers coming up on to the car thet went off track are supposed to give room for the driver who went off to re enter. I can't tell howmany times I have been trying to re enter the track and other drivers are taking my mirrors off when they have not only twenty feet of roadway but ample time to move over there. When you see someone is off track, move over and give them some room to get back on. You run less chance of getting collected and turning a minor inncodent into a major wreck and the other guy will apprieciate the chance to get back into the race.

I disagree. You don't reenter unless it's clear. Why should a driver who didn't go off have to give you room to reenter. Granted, if there is room, I try to make room, but I don't have to. You go off, you pay the price.

:agreed   I am with Sniper on this one... 

Often times you might see me pulled over (off track) when y'all pass.  (Most of the time...) I got over there intentionally to get the :fuck outta y'all's way.  I get real nervous when one of the big dawgs comes up behind me so if I see them coming in advance - I get out of the way.  I really don't want to :fuck up anyone's race.

So definitely don't wait for me to re-enter or you might sit there for a bit.  I can be very :fuck ing patient... 


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Re: A request from the back
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2011, 12:43:57 PM »

I'd just like to take this opportunity to say this... when I cause an accident, I absolutely positively 100% guarantee that I'm way more pissed off at myself than whoever I wrecked is at me.  I :fuck ing hate when I cause accidents.  
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